Figure Skating Achievements
The Louisville Skating Academy would like to recognize some of the awards and results our skaters have achieved in competition and testing.
Competition Achievements
- Sophia Elder and Christopher Elder– International Skating Union Junior Grand Prix, Czechoslovakia, 6th place
- Sophia Elder and Christopher Elder– International Skating Union Junior Grand Prix, Austria, 6th place
- Sophia Elder and Christopher Elder– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Junior Dance, 8th place
- Claire Purnell and Luke Purnell– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Junior Dance, 12th place
- Sophia Elder and Christopher Elder– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Junior Dance, 3rd place
- Claire Purnell and Luke Purnell– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Junior Dance, 5th place
- Evan Whitlow– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Novice Men, 10th place
- Tallia Whyte– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Intermediate Ladies, 5th place Initial Round, 13th place Championship Round
- Erika Uchida– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Juvenile Girls, 4th place Initial Round, 8th place Championship Round
- Louisville River Stars Pre-Juvenile Synchronized Skating Team– U.S. Midwestern Synchronized Skating Championships, 5th Place – Initial Round; 7th Place Championship Round
- Sophia Elder and Christopher Elder– International Skating Union Junior Grand Prix, Croatia, 13th place
- Sophia Elder and Christopher Elder– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Junior Dance, 11th place
- Allie Rose (Philadelphia FSC) and JT Michel– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Junior Dance, 13th place
- Isabel Blahunka and Will Shawver– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Novice Dance, 6th place
- Sophia Elder and Christopher Elder– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Junior Dance, 3rd place
- Claire Purnell and Luke Purnell– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Junior Dance, WD
- Allie Rose (Philadelphia FSC) and JT Michel– Eastern Sectional Championships, Junior Dance, 4th place
- Isabel Blahunka and Will Shawver– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Novice Dance, 4th place
- Evan Whitlow– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Novice Men, 10th place
- Evan Whitlow– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Novice Men, 2nd place
- Josephine Hagan– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Intermediate Ladies, 10th place
- Josephine Hagan– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Intermediate Ladies, 3rd place
- Ellie Scheinler– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Juvenile Ladies, 10th place
- Ellie Scheinler– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Juvenile Ladies, 3rd place
- Kathleen Moser– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Juvenile Ladies, 7th place Initial Round, 16th place Championship Round
- Sophia Elder and Christopher Elder– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Novice Dance, 3rd place
- Claire Purnell and Luke Purnell– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Novice Dance, 11th place
- Isabel Blahunka and Will Shawver– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Novice Dance, 8th place
- Sarah Dutton and Emmett King– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Juvenile Dance, 4th place
- Josephine Hagan and Evan Whitlow– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Juvenile Pairs, 2nd place
- Sophia Elder and Christopher Elder– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Novice Dance, 1st place
- Claire Purnell and Luke Purnell– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Novice Dance, 2nd place
- Isabel Blahunka and Will Shawver– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Novice Dance, 3rd place
- Sarah Dutton and Emmett King– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Juvenile Dance, 2nd place
- Josephine Hagan and Evan Whitlow– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Juvenile Pairs, 2nd place
- Evan Whitlow– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Intermediate Men, 5th place
- Evan Whitlow– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Intermediate Men, 2nd place
- Josephine Hagan– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Intermediate Ladies, 2nd Place Initial Round, 5th Place Championship Round
- Sophia Elder and Christopher Elder– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Novice Dance, 3rd place
- Gianna Buckley (Seattle FSC) and JT Michel– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Novice Dance, 4th place
- Claire Purnell and Luke Purnell– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Novice Dance, 11th place
- Isabel Blahunka and Will Shawver– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Intermediate Dance, 5th place
- Kathleen Moser and Chase Finster– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Juvenile Pairs, 8th place
- Sophia Elder and Christopher Elder– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Novice Dance, 1st place
- Claire Purnell and Luke Purnell– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Novice Dance, 3rd place
- Gianna Buckley (Seattle FSC) and JT Michel– Pacific Coast Sectional Championships, Novice Dance, 3rd place
- Isabel Blahunka and Will Shawver– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Intermediate Dance, 1st place
- Sarah Dutton and Emmett King– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Juvenile Dance, 9th place
- Kathleen Moser and Chase Finster– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Juvenile Pairs, 4th place
- Chase Finster– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Intermediate Men, 6th place
- Evan Whitlow– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Intermediate Men, 10th place
- Josephine Hagan– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Juvenile Girls, 6th place
- Chase Finster– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Intermediate Men, 2nd place
- Evan Whitlow– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Intermediate Men, 4th place
- Josephine Hagan– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Juvenile Girls, 1st place
- Kate Finster and Eric Hartley (Queen City FSC)– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Novice Pairs, 1st place
- Sophia and Christopher Elder– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Intermediate Dance, 1st place
- Josephine Hagan and JT Michel– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Intermediate Dance, 7th place
- Claire and Luke Purnell– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Intermediate Dance, 9th place
- Chase Finster– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Juvenile Boys, 2nd place
- Isabel Blahunka (Winter Club of Indianapolis) and Will Shawver– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Juvenile Dance, 6th place
- Kate Finster and Eric Hartley (Queen City FSC) – Midwestern Sectional Championships, Novice Pairs, 1st place
- Sophia and Christopher Elder– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Intermediate Dance, 1st place
- Claire Purnell and Luke Purnell– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Intermediate Dance, 2nd place
- Josephine Hagan and JT Michel– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Intermediate Dance, 3rd place
- Chase Finster– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Juvenile Boys, 4th place
- Evan Whitlow– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Juvenile Boys, 11th place
- Isabel Blahunka (Winter Club of Indianapolis) and Will Shawver– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Juvenile Dance, 1st place
- Chase Finster– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Juvenile Boys, 1st place
- Evan Whitlow– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Juvenile Boys, 3rd place
- Louisville River Stars Open-Juvenile Synchronized Skating Team– U.S. Midwestern Synchronized Skating Championships, 1st Place – Initial Round; 2nd Place Championship Round
- Sophia and Christopher Elder– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Intermediate Dance, 5th Place
- Josephine Hagan and JT Michel– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Juvenile Dance, 1st Place
- Claire and Luke Purnell– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Juvenile Dance, 8th Place
- Kate Finster and Joe Goodpaster (IWSA)– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Intermediate Pairs, 8th Place
- Sophia and Christopher Elder– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Intermediate Dance, 1st place
- Chase Finster– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Juvenile Boys, 6th place
- Josephine Hagan and JT Michel– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Juvenile Dance, 1st place
- Claire Purnell and Luke Purnell– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Juvenile Dance, 3rd place
- Kate Finster and Joe Goodpaster (IWSA)– Midwestern Sectional Championships, Intermediate Pairs, 3rd place
- Chase Finster– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Juvenile Boys, 4th Place
- Louisville River Stars Open-Juvenile Synchronized Skating Team– U.S. Midwestern Synchronized Skating Championships, 3rd Place – Initial Round; 10th Place – Championship Round
- Sophia and Christopher Elder– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Juvenile Dance, 5th Place
- Josephine Hagan and JT Michel– U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Juvenile Dance, 8th Place
- Luke Purnell – Midwest Sectional Championships, Intermediate Men, 12th Place
- Sophia and Christopher Elder– Midwest Sectional Championships, Juvenile Dance, 1st Place
- Josephine Hagan and JT Michel– Midwest Sectional Championships, Juvenile Dance, 3rd Place
- Luke Purnell– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Intermediate Men, 4th Place
- Sophia and Christopher Elder– U.S. Figure Skating Junior National Championships, 9th Place Championship Round
- Claire and Luke Purnell– U.S. Figure Skating Junior National Championships, 23rd Place Championship Round
- Luke Purnell– U.S. Figure Skating Junior National Championships, 19th Place Championship Round
- Kirsten Clark– Midwest Sectional Championships, Junior Ladies, 12th Place Championship Round
- Sophia and Christopher Elder– Midwest Sectional Championships, Juvenile Dance, 3rd Place Championship Round
- Claire and Luke Purnell– Midwest Sectional Championships, Juvenile Dance, 9th Place Championship Round
- Kirsten Clark– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Junior Ladies, 4th Place Championship Round
- Luke Purnell– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Juvenile Boys, 4th Place Championship Round
- Louisville River Stars Masters Synchronized Skating Team– U.S. Synchronized Skating Championships, 4th Place
- Louisville River Stars Masters Synchronized Skating Team– U.S. Midwestern Synchronized Skating Championships, 2nd Place
- Louisville River Stars Open-Juvenile Synchronized Skating Team– U.S. Midwestern Synchronized Skating Championships, 4th Place – Initial Round; 12th Place – Championship Round
- Christopher Elder– U.S. Figure Skating Junior National Championships, 14th Place Initial Round
- Louisville River Stars Masters Synchronized Skating Team– U.S. Synchronized Skating Championships, 4th Place
- Louisville River Stars Masters Synchronized Skating Team– U.S. Midwestern Synchronized Skating Championships, 1st Place
- Louisville River Stars Pre-Juvenile Synchronized Skating Team– U.S. Midwestern Synchronized Skating Championships, 1st Place – Initial Round; 4th Place – Championship Round
- Luke Purnell– U.S. Figure Skating Junior National Championships, 17th Place Initial Round
- Luke Purnell– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Juvenile Men, 3rd Place Championship Round
- Kirsten Clark– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Novice Ladies, 5th Place Initial Round, 14th Place Championship Round
- Sydney Flynn– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Juvenile Ladies, 3rd Place Initial Round, 9th Place Championship Final Round
- Leah Carey– EGL Regional Championships, Junior Ladies, 4th Place Qualifying Round, Withdrew with Injury
- Courtney McClure– EGL Regional Championships, Intermediate Ladies, 4th Place Qualifying Round, 14th Place Championship Initial Round
- Courtney McClure– EGL Regional Qualifying Championships, Intermediate Ladies, 1st Place Qualifying Round, 11th Place Championship Initial Round
- Leah Carey– Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships, Intermediate Ladies, 2nd Place Qualifying Round, 4th Place Championship Initial Round, 11th Place Championship Final Round
Test Achievements
LSA recognizes the following skaters who have achieved a gold test since the inception of the club:
Moves in the Field
- Aubrey Gildehaus– 2021
- Chatham Thompson– 2021
- Laycee Yang– 2021
- Madison Hofmann– 2021
- Caroleen Zhao– 2021
- Ella Sizemore– 2020
- Misheel Otgonbaatar– 2019
- Molly Shapira– 2019
- Emma Pugh– 2019
- Alexandra Keating– 2019
- Katie Demos– 2019
- Meredith Moser– 2019
- Erika Uchida– 2019
- Delia Whittaker– 2019
- Sarah Dutton– 2018
- Evan Whitlow– 2018
- Ellie Scheinler– 2018
- Bethany Perkins– 2017
- Isabel Blahunka– 2017
- Katherine Thacker– 2016
- Mable Harper– 2016
- Taris Brashers– 2015
- Josephine Hagan– 2015
- Krista Weyhing– 2015
- Claire Purnell– 2015
- Chase Finster– 2015
- Annie Trentham– 2015
- Sophia Elder– 2014
- J.T. Michel – 2014
- Ravnn Thornton– 2014
- Will Shawver– 2014
- Christopher Elder– 2014
- MV Shook– 2014
- Luke Purnell– 2014
- Emily Ridge– 2013
- Meredith Nee– 2013
- Lauren English– 2012
- Molly Holder– 2012
- Sara Rose Shawver– 2012
- Emily Lacher– 2011
- Dana Tang– 2011
- Lila Asher– 2010
- Kirsten Clark– 2009
- Alexandra Dohrman– 2009
- Sydney Flynn– 2009
- Megan Conley– 2008
- Megan Anderson– 2007
- Carmen Huff– 2007
- Courtney McClure– 2006
- Kendra Ralston– 2006
- Rebecca Hatch-Purnell– 2005
- Andrea Kirk– 2005
- Kate Vegh– 2005
- Brie Teaboldt– 2004
- Courtney Wallace– 2003
- Leah Carey– 2002
Free Skate
- Erika Uchida– 2020
- Evan Whitlow– 2019
- Josephine Hagan– 2018
- Luke Purnell– 2016
- Molly Holder– 2016
- J.T. Michel– 2016
- Kiersten Overton– 2015
- Sydney Flynn– 2014
- Lila Asher– 2013
- Kirsten Clark– 2012
- Courtney McClure– 2007
- Kate Vegh– 2007
- Leah Carey– 2006
- Courtney Wallace– 2004
Pattern Dance
- Alexandra Keating– 2021
- Ella Sizemore– 2021
- Eleanor Scheinler– 2020
- Erin Kramer– 2019
- Sarah Dutton– 2018
- Mable Harper– 2018
- Bethany Perkins– 2018
- Ravnn Thornton– 2017
- Luke Purnell– 2017
- Claire Purnell– 2017
- J.T. Michel– 2017
- Will Shawver– 2016
- Isabel Blahunka– 2016
- Krista Weyhing– 2016
- Savannah McVoy– 2016
- Josephine Hagan– 2016
- Sophia Elder– 2016
- Katherine Thacker– 2015
- Emily Lacher– 2015
- Christopher Elder– 2015
- MV Shook– 2015
- Sara Rose Shawver– 2014
- Megan Anderson– 2013
- Dana Tang– 2013
- Lila Asher– 2013
- Kirsten Clark– 2013
- Sydney Flynn– 2012
- Megan Conley– 2011
- Leah Carey– 2008
Solo Pattern Dance
- Misheel Otgonbaatar– 2020
- Erika Uchidas– 2020
Adult Moves in the Field
- Stephanie Peters– 2018
- Heidi Whitlow– 2012
- Andrea Sower– 2012
- Kathleen Bartels– 2011
- Jeff Filcik– 2009
- Katya Cengel– 2007
- Carmen Riggs– 2006
Adult Dance
- Jeff Filcik– 2012
- Stephanie Anderson– 2006